IWAS Powerchair Hockey LogoAt PTC Therapeutics, we continue to be inspired by the communities we serve. We are proud to be sponsoring this year’s IWAS Powerchair Hockey World Cup, which is taking place from the 9th – 14th August 2022, in Switzerland.

The IWAS Powerchair Hockey World Cup is the most important international competition for powerchair hockey athletes. This year’s cup will be the first time that such a competition will feature 10 teams from around the world: Teams from Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Australia, Italy and Switzerland will be going head-to-head for the ultimate trophy.

Powerchair Hockey is a fully inclusive, wheelchair-friendly version of traditional hockey. Players can enjoy this fast-paced game from their wheelchair, using either their hands or wheelchair to control their stick.

Powerchair Hockey originated almost by accident when sports started to become inclusive in the 70s. This sport allows athletes with physical disabilities such as Duchenne and other muscular dystrophies to build confidence, passion and relationships through sport, something which many of us take for granted.

Players of Powerchair Hockey described the sport as “not a disabled sport, but just a sport. And that’s the real beauty of it”.

What you need to know about Powerchair Hockey

Powerchair Hockey infographic

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For more information about the tournament, visit https://pchworldcup.com/

IWAS IWAS Powerchair Hockey