The Emerging Leaders program (ELP) at PTC is a six-month, nomination based, global program that was created specifically for individuals at PTC who demonstrate the passion and traits to become successful future leaders. The program was developed with the goal of establishing a healthy range of diversity at the top as these emerging leaders advance.

“We started the ELP a few years ago because of the recognized need to ensure the incredible, talented people we have at PTC are given the right tools at the right time to help them grow and develop, and to be the leaders of the company in the future,” said Matthew B. Klein, M.D., Chief Executive Officer of PTC Therapeutics.
This past May, the company celebrated the third cohort of Emerging Leaders at a graduation ceremony at PTC’s U.S. headquarters in New Jersey. We checked in with graduates from all three cohorts to learn more about their ELP experience, their biggest takeaways, and how the program prepared them for future leadership roles.
“My biggest takeaway from the ELP was that you can be the leader you want, but being a leader is a choice and it needs a huge effort,” says Paolo Signorotto, Country Head – Italy. “Without consistency, discipline, and deeply taking care of the others, it will never happen. That’s why you need to start from leading yourself before thinking of leading others.”
A popular aspect of the program among all participants was hearing first-hand stories and experiences from other PTC leaders, like how they approached and overcame challenges, which many felt were inspiring and motivating.
“I loved learning about each function and the personal journey of senior leadership,” says Malisa Rust, Patient Engagement Liaison. “Through these interactions, I was able to feel more comfortable having candid conversations.”
Jianwei Zhao, Associate Director, DMPK, agrees. “Throughout the program, listening to the senior leaders share their background, experience and leadership journey was inspiring and informative.”
Being part of group activities helped participants network as well as collaborate.
Nermina Weber, Associate Director, Corporate Communications, greatly enjoyed this program element. “Getting to know team members, exchanging perspectives and learning in a collaborative setting was really enjoyable and fun,” says Nermina.
The program also helped prepare the participants for future leadership roles by teaching them about what it means to be a leader.
“After the ELP, I understood that leadership is a skill ‘in progress’ and I believe that the program was a turning point to my development as a leader,” says Andressa Federhen, Senior Director, Medical Affairs – Brazil. “I am actively using the learnings from the program, and I feel more empowered to lead people.”
“Participating in the Emerging Leaders program provided me great insights, know-how and experiences from successful leaders in our company from which I am able to sharpen my leadership skills and use as valuable resource for future leadership positions,” said Nermina. “I’m honored to have been selected to participate in this important program at PTC, and proud of my fellow team members.”

Congratulations to all past and recent graduates of the Emerging Leaders Program! Click to read more about PTC’s Emerging Leaders Program.