Leadership team
Shaping the future of rare disease
We don’t just work for a company; we work for a cause. Our mission has led us to bring a spirit of innovation to every aspect of the drug development process. From discovery, to the design of our clinical trials, our deep passion for patients drives us to urgently seek ways to do things differently.
Meet our executive leadership
This inspiring group of innovators and big thinkers are changing the face of treatments for rare diseases — all for the good of patients and their families.

Matthew B. Klein, M.D., M.S., F.A.C.S. Chief Executive OfficerI am extremely proud to have the opportunity to lead PTC’s experienced and dedicated team into its next quarter century as we advance our pioneering science to develop valuable and transformative therapies for children and adults with unmet medical needs. We will enrich PTC’s unwavering commitments to patients and to prudent enterprise growth based on our robust product portfolio, global commercial infrastructure, and unique scientific and drug development strengths.

Board members
PTC's Board of Directors work with our management team to ensure that our culture is conducive to a productive and healthy work setting and that the Company approaches corporate governance, environmental, and social issues in a way that is consistent with our culture